Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Here's the reality:
Today...we need to admit that the "scrapbooking as art" and "gotta have it" vacuums have been filled. We've elevated memory keeping to a level that is alienating the newcomer, and we've saturated the market with a flood of product. It's time to identify the new needs of the industry and fill them. That's what the NSA strives to do with these products:
- Up-to-date LSS locator and directory where all brick & mortar retailers can list their store for free and scrappers can find a scrapbooking store easily
- Calendar of calls for publication, for enthusiasts who want recognition and publishers who are looking for fresh contributors
- An open forum where any product, store, or sale can be discussed
What else does the scrapbooking industry really need? My guess:
- Greater global synergy
- A unified voice
- A place for everyone
- An identity people can relate to
- Tools specific to the scrapbooking industry (ah, an upcoming blog topic!)
In other words: more newcomers.
Don't fear. Not only has the NSA identified these new needs, but we've been working very hard behind the scenes to fill them to satisfaction! If you're interested in a preview, email me.
Labels: Expanding the Passion, hand holding, IMHO, industry insights