Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Let's create something SPECTACULAR!

Today...I posted a challenge of sorts on the NSA forums. I encourage participation from every market segment!

Let's create the ultimate scrapbooking web site!

It would have a community organized by...
It would have valuable resources like...a comprehensive, accurate LSS locator and mapping function!
It would be highly functional and do the most amazing things, like...tell me when a certain product has arrived at my LSS

It would be pretty to look at, and in the most appealing color combinations like...Scott would not dare change
I would visit it every day because...I could cutomize it to display everything I needed to know about scrapbooking in one place
and it would provide the latest information about...what's in the magazines

It would network me with...manufacturers who need local representatives, demonstrators and instructors
and feed me information opportunities

and it would not...spam me with offers or announcements I really don't care about
and would never...insult the way I scrap

but most of all,
it would move me to...scrap and scrap often and openly
and make me feel...satisfied

I would love to hear what you want!


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