Friday, December 15, 2006
Scrapbooking goes to Iraq!
Today...I read about two congresswomen who will be scrapping up a storm on their upcoming fact-finding tour of the Iraqi region. According to a press release from the office of Congresswoman Sherri Davis, R-CA:
I ask both Davis and Slaughter to let our soldiers know we scrapbookers support our troops and hope they enjoy the Christmas trees that are on their way to them!
Also along on the fact-finding trip, according to Davis, will be Democratic Rep.Well, how about that!
Louise Slaughter of Buffalo. 'She is a neat lady and a major, major scrapbooker
-- and so I wouldn't be surprised if the two of us, with the aid of U.S.
military transport, set a land-sea scrapbooking record of some kind," predicts
Davis with her trademark grin. "Scrap-booking and fact-finding, fact-finding and
scrapbooking. It's a very good mix, and I expect to get several complete books
out of this trip. Arthur Schlesinger recently sold his scrapbooks to Penguin for
a cool 1.5, and so it is actually a very good investment of my time, as well as
being super fun and super educational."
I ask both Davis and Slaughter to let our soldiers know we scrapbookers support our troops and hope they enjoy the Christmas trees that are on their way to them!
Labels: About the ING, Expanding the Passion, Harvesting Memories