Thursday, July 06, 2006

Digital Effects

Today...I gave an interview to a reporter looking into the impact of digital scrapbooking (Renee Pearson calls it "digi"). She asked for numbers (we just know that the trend is growing) and what effects digital might have on traditional scrapbooking. She also was interested how scrapbookers are combining digital with traditional scrapbooking techniques.
Here are the thoughts I shared with her:
Digi is growing because:
Here's why some scrappers have not converted:
Needless to say, many scrapbookers use their computer for scrapbooking:
And for the final bullet points, here are my thoughts about the impact of digi:
And finally, digital scrapbooking further proves the point that scrapbooking is for everyone, even the person who doesn't want to get ink on their hands.


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