Saturday, May 27, 2006

Open wide the doors

Today...hit the ground running!

First, I got a confirmation that my presentation on the Home Shopping Network is a go. In August I'll head to St. Petersburg for the first of several appearances. That pretty much brings full circle my education!

I entered college seeking a broadcast journalism degree. I spent many hours behind a desk reading off a teleprompter, but I much preferred a behind-the-scenes role. My subsequent jobs required some face time, and none really on camera. Presentation skills are important to have in many types of jobs, but few lead to broadcasting. I'm excited to have this opportunity, and I truely hope it opens more doors for me and the NSA.

Speaking of opening doors, Scott and I are pondering the openness of the NSA. If the NSA truely is to be about expanding the passion and communicating the message that scrapbooking is for everyone, shouldn't the NSA be more open to more people? We agree that it should, but we don't know yet what that open door looks like.

F&W publisher David Steward speaks of the "Big Tent" approach, and for the consumer that is very true. The scrapbooking community must "open wide the doors" to let all types of scrapbookers in. However, the F&W tent implies that their competitors aren't really welcome. That's where the NSA is different, and the NSA must recognize that and promote its open door policy as a strength.

Like I said, we're still working on the details, and I have other exciting developments in the works, like a meeting tomorrow with HP. More later!


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